The Galaxy class was refitted at the turn of the 25th century, after the collapse of the Khitomer Accords in 2399. By 2371, three vessels of the class had been lost in service. The Galaxy-Class was too large and complicated to construct quickly and also not designed for combat situations, so few were constructed in the period and those that were performed poorly. The Battle of Wolf 359 saw the destruction of over 30 Starfleet ships and then the commencement of the Dominion War necessitated the reactivation of large numbers of Starfleet reserve vessels. Intended to be the start of a major exploration program, events in Federation history conspired against the class.

The original design run was for six vessels and a spare six space-frames. The Galaxy-class began development in the year 2343 and with the prototype USS Galaxy finally launching in 2357 and its first two sister ships the ever-famous Federation flagship USS Enterprise-D and USS Yamato following in the next few years.